

I haven't really read any blogs since g+ got shut down. Then someone shared a link to noise sans signal and I got reminded of everything I was missing out on.

Part of the reason this blog has been dormant for so long is that I had play reports backlogged. The last two session reports are from more than fifteen sessions ago but they sat unfinished. Writing the reports was fun, and maybe useful for my players (the main purpose), but in the end it turned into a draining obligation of my own doing. Self-assigned homework. So I stopped. I'm especially glad to have made that call now that we started playing every week. I'll still note any deaths on the campaign page though, that's just fun.

The other reason it's been so dead (forever, not just recently) is that I never finish anything. Like forty drafts and nothing to show for it. In a bit of back and forth about blogging under their "on abyss" post (I think?), Kyana shared some similar thoughts but encouraged me to blog more and not worry about length or completeness. Just get it out there. Good advice, and something I definitely needed to hear.

So that's what I'm going to try and do. In a related spring cleaning note I nuked my blogroll and am going to slowly build it back up. Gonna call it here  in the spirit of finishing things.

Thanks again to Kyana for the push.


  1. I am glad to be of help and I do hope to see your new posts when you are comfortable with sharing them.

  2. Thanks! I'm working on 'em...
